Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I haven't updated my blog for awhile. I haven't really had anything to say. I still don't feel like I have anything special to say, so you will get to read me ramble on about nothing. School started since I last wrote. I know I said I was sad about summer ending, but I have to say, WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Although I do miss Isabelle being gone ALL day, it has been absolutely fantastic! I feel relaxed again. Instead of having five kids (mine plus two friends) at my house all of the time, I only have Grey and Jonah. Better yet, Grey is going to do a play group on Wednesday mornings. I feel that I have some of my freedom back. Which is interesting, because I was excited for summer, so that we could have some freedom from school. Ha! Ha! Ha!
I actually have been taking a little time during Jona's nap to read. Its a little bit of heaven on earth to have alone time when you're a mom. Am I right? I do love the fun and chaos of summer, but I sure am loving school. Should I feel guilty about the happiness I feel having kids in school? Because I don't!!!!!
This brings me to my next subject...homeschooling (is that one word?) Ok, my sister-in-law home schools (I like it better as two words). I get the why, I just don't get the how. I have a hard enough time doing ten minutes of homework with my kids. Could I really teach them ALL that they need to know for college? YIKES!!! I guess that I also don't get the social aspect of it. Do they really get the social development they need? We have had many a debate with my in-laws regarding this subject. Home school moms seem like superhumans to me. I wouldn't want to take on the responsibility and that makes me feel kind of guilty. As I said before, I like having the time while my kids are at school. Tell me what you think!
So maybe I don't get the why OR the how!


Kristen said...

I will call you and help you. i like you am LOVING the peace. For some reason once the big boys are gone at school..connor turns into an angel again. he and abby are playing SO cute together! Homeschool? I only get it if your kids are struggling in a school environment--every situation is different and every kid is different. overall, my kids are getting all they need from public school and i am getting all i need at home BY MYSELF!!

Tara said...

don't feel at all bad about the loving the kids being gone!! We all do! As for homeschool...we have done that on and off, depending on my kids needs. I don't anticipate ever doing it again, but I think overall it was a good experience. As far as the social aspect...I think there are just as many "social misfits" in public school...don't ya think? It depends on the family. Homeschooling really has its place, but I have to say that I love having the quiet house, as long as my kids are thriving in public school!
I responded to one of your comments to me on my blog, so you'll have to read it there :)

Tausha said...

It's only been two days since the boys started school and I am in heaven. Evie seems a little bored though. I feel some guilt with Luke being gone all day and when he gets home all he wants to do is play spiderman on the ps2. I need to keep reminding myself that it is okay if he has no desire for contact. And there is no way I would homeschool, I am not patient enough, skilled enough, disciplined enough, or want to at all. Blessings to the moms who can do it. No thanks for me!

Kate said...

I think sometimes parents do it to take the kids out of the social scene. Do you know what I mean? I could never do it- sometimes I think it would be great- but I know I would be terribly inconsistent... and the freedom is really nice. Part of having kids in school is also being involved and knowing their teachers- but I think school is just as much about the social aspect as gaining an education... it is kind of like preparation for the real world-