Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The end of summer

I don't know about anyone else, but besides January, this is the most depressing time the year! Most of my sadness comes from the shorter days and the knowledge that cold darkness will soon consume us!
I love the freedom of summer. I actually don't mind waking up early to a beautiful summer morning. I love the long daylight. I also love going to the pool with wonderfully fun friends! All of this will soon come to an end. OK, enough of the depression. Sorry.
While most of me is sad to see summer go, the other half is jumping for joy. You may ask why. Well, I will tell you. My kids are going to school! (like you didn't know that's what I was going to say!) Although I will truly miss them when they are gone, I am so excited to have some peace and quiet for a couple of hours a day! After a summer of playing hard all the time and with friends over (all of the time), this soulds heavenly. Can you all agree?
I would love some advice on how to get my daughter at least a little excited for school. I'm afraid she's going to start claiming stomach ache every day again in order to stay home. (she did this last year in first grade, she's a home body) I also would like any advice on how to stay more chipper with the shortening daylight.
With all the changes fall brings, I have to say thing to look forward to, is pumpkin. What is there not to love about pumpkin? They look great for decoration, they're great illuminators, and they taste delicious! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pretty much any pumpkin dessert. SUPERB!!!


Kate said...

I love pumpkin too! Fall is actually me favorite season- I love the smells...yum! This summer has been really fun- but I am looking forward to some structure for my kids.

Kristen said...

I am actually not depressed AT ALL about summer being over. The only thing I will really miss is the pool. I look forward to fall every year about this time. I am usually sick of my half dead flowers, cleaning my front glass door 20x a day because of kids running IN AND OUT, sick of summer clothes, and especially the heat. I love the crispness of fall and being able to make yummy WARM food. and YES I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE!!

Tausha said...

Fall is my favorite time of year too. Boquets of sharpened pencils. I always wish I were in school when fall comes and grateful I am not when the holidays hit. I am terrified though of getting up early and getting my kids to school each morning. It kind of sucks.

go boo boo said...

Get a good light for your bike ;)! I feel a little bit the same way, but looking forward to the ski/snowboard/sledding/snowball season (unless that depresses you more?).

Tara said...

If it makes you feel any better....I am jealous that you all get to HAVE fall in Utah. See, when you live in AZ, you don't really get that. I crave that crisp fall air and the crunchy leaves. I just pretend that it is that way as I am inside baking pies (pumpkin) and my kids are in the pool. I just have to keep the blinds closed so I can't see the reminder that it is really over 100 degrees!! I do love the smell of the orange blossoms that we get in the winter though.

Kristen said...

nice update on your blog..i like it! think of a more clever blog title... come on girl!!!

Kristen said...

okay sorry i didn't notice the quote under your name.

Kate said...

We would love to ride with you on Mondays - it was fun! I like the new look of your blog... have a great weekend!

Kristen said...