Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Tear?

I guess I have some sort of tear or something in the placenta. At least this is the educated guess of my doctor's office. What it boils down to is that I am still pregnant. My hormones look great. However, I tend to bleed when I have any increased activity. Bottom line... I am on low activity. All I have to say is...I don't know how people do bed rest!!!!! I can get up and move around. I'm just supposed to do very little. I am going crazy!! Bad enough, that I did too much on Thursday and started bleeding again. Its incredibly frustrating. I'm supposed to "take it easy" for seven days AFTER the bleeding stops. Yuck! Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful that I am pregnant. It could be much worse. I truly feel for anyone who has ever been on bed rest. There is nothing more boring than lying around all day. Okay, thank you. It was nice to vent! Have a good weekend! By the way, who are you voting for? I still have reservations. Give me reasons why you like one candidate over the other. Tell me, exactly what is that people love so much about Obama? I know he wants change. But what exactly is he going to do that will change our country for the better? People are PASSIONATE about him and I don't get it. I can't see me being that passionate about ANY politician. Please enlighten me. However, I don't really like McCain either!


Becky, yep said...

Oh Brooke! What can I do to help you? Can I come get your grocery list tomorrow?
Take it easy!
Good Luck!

Kate said...

Brooke... call me! I had the same thing with Weston. Really... take it easy- I know it will be hard- but it will be well worth it! I think about it every time I look at Weston's cute face. Oh, and I do like Obama- I just can't bring myself to vote for McCain. I just think that America wants change- and so we are willing to go for something totally different than we have had in the last few years.

Lisa Cannon said...

I am so sorry about the tear. I've never had that happen, but TAKE IT EASY! That is a great excuse to lay around.

As for the voting. I have no idea. I know I am super sick of hearing Obama talk about change. And, McCain is a loser. But, Obama scares me so I think I'll pick the safe one and vote for McCain. I don't like him though and I think Palin is annoying. He made a bad choice choosing her. What was he thinking!

Sam and Josh said...

I know how bad bed rest sucks. I have done it twice and I have done house rest. That is another story. Any how, you take it easy and just blog. If you need anything, please let me know. In the end, it is all worth it.

Kristen said...

brooke, when your blog title said "tear" i thought you meant like the cry tear and i thought..oh now..has something happened? i am glad everything is okay. i am sure it is hard for you not to be exercising.

As far as politics, oh why did you have to ask for opinions because i actually have one and may be too passionate about it. so here goes: there are so many confusing issues out there and both candidates can make their case look good to people who don't understand. pick the things that are most important to you and are most in line with your values and choose that candidate who supports those. for everyone it is different. i personally trust mcain and his values more than obama's. i think obama is a smooth talker and that people are so wanting "change" that they'll get "sold" on that even if it's not a good change. I think Bush is getting a really bad rap. yes, there are things he probably messed up on and could have done better but I look at it this way...has he kept our country safe from another terrorist attack since 9/11? yes. this whole economy crap has been blamed on him when it is actually the trickle down of what was started clear back in the clinton days. (the whole democratic view of everyone is "entitled" to own a home, etc so let's make it possible whether they can afford it or not) It made clinton look really good because initially it bolstered us up but the reprocutions (i am sure i spelled that wrong) are now taking place and bush is taking the heat for it. I think people are being a little hard on palin. she may not have been his "best" choice but she is still highly experienced, has a great track record and has good conservative values..i really feel like immoral government is a huge part of our nation's downfall so i am voting anyone in who can try to restore some of those values back.

I have tried to educate myself a little more this go around and i am not an expert by any means but have tried to look at the big picture.

The Ringleader said...

Your picture on this entry freaks me out. I know, I too have one bouncing around, but I'm still freaked out. I'm so glad you are doing better!

Politics...I am excited for it all to be over in a week. I have some ideas on who I am voting for, but we'll see at the polls. I am over the smooth talking, trash talking, campaign propaganda, etc.