Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Lights

I am sitting here at work in the dark by myself enjoying summer thunderstorms. I have a great view of the valley and out around the Oquirrh mountains there is one of the most fabulous lightening storms I have ever seen. There is literally a lightening strike every one to three seconds, huge ones! Its been going on for at least an hour. There is noting I love more than a summer thunderstorm. The light the sound and the smell are so refreshing, especially after all of the dry hot days we've had.


Kristen said...

i agree! i love it when the house gets dark and suddenly i feel like i have to light a candle and play josh groban. by the way...sting was INCREDIBLE! He looked and sounded out of this world!

Lisa Cannon said...

That sounds like it was amazing. I love lightning and thunder...from a distance!

Lisa Cannon said...

I think it was Tracy-Wigwam. The camp was up Millcreek canyon and he came home filthy dirty both days!

The Ringleader said...

I love a good storm. Not a bad way to stay awake either!

go boo boo said...

Brooke! Congratulations! I just looked up your Spudman results (I was looking up our guy friends' as well) and you got 3rd in your class! You are amazing. I can't believe you run so fast (7 min mile!). I need some motivation to get swimming again. Will you still be swimming? Call me to go.

Tara said...

a good rain storm with thunder and lightning included is up there on my list of favorite things for sure! We had a doozy of a monsoon whip through here a few days ago. Messy, but exciting and fun in a wierd sort of way.

Becky, yep said...

ME too on the love of summer storms...it's like a passion of mine! They are magical!