Sunday, October 7, 2007

I love April and October

I mean the months, but yes, I love you too April. Why? you may ask, do I love these two months? Two words, General Conference. When else do you get to sit around in your pj's, on your bed all day and be uplifted? I love Sunday morning. Good, big, breakfast, then sit in my bed with my family (well, S and Matisse. I and G won't stay and listen.) and listen to beauty, whether it be music or word. It is such a special weekend. How great is it to hear from not only our prophet, but the other general authorities altogether? We are so blessed to have a prophet to testify to us and give us revelation. Their words are truly inspirational and can be life changing.
Conference weekend is always short, and I know that, but I always feel sad when they say we are adjourned for six months. I always think, wow, I can't believe that conference is already over! I sadly didn't get to hear as much as I wanted to today and work tonight, so....I don't think I'll catch tomorrow am's live. (thank goodness for dvr) What a bummer.
With all of my love for conference, rest assured, I will be listening tomorrow while trying to stay awake through all of the talks. I guess that might have something to do with big breakfast and lying in bed. And, is it just me, or do the way most of the speaker talk lull you to sleep sometimes?
One last thing I love about conference weekend, is getting together with all of you! Thank you K for letting us come invade your house for some fantastic food and socialization! I will be sure to request Sat night off of work next April. I love all of you and always have a blast when we're together. Thank you for being such wonderful friends!


Kate said...

Amen to all of what you said! It was fun last night... just wished you could have stayed longer... conference is the best!

Kristen said...

thanks brooke--i love you too! i think often about my friends and how lucky I am to have so many great ones. You are all so different yet each exemplify things that make me want to be a better person! i am glad we can keep our conference tradition going. i think i love the music of conference almost more than anything! it really touches me!

The Ringleader said...

So I got really excited when I read the title of your blog, but I got bored after I realized it wasn't about me. j/k There is something wonderful about attending church in your pj's on your couch. Although after awhile, I would miss going to church and seeing friends and neighbors. I would especially miss out on Evie eating bacon and slim jims while Lukie shoots a foam ball in sacrament meeting. Thank you Griswalds! You help keep it light when I am at my wits end wrestling tired kids. Thanks again for last night ladies!! Great friends and good food!!

Tara said...

Conference weekend is the best, I agree! We had a non-member 16 year old watch all of today with us. It was so great listening with "different ears". She really got alot out of it. My other kids were actually really calm and listened (or pretended to while they were coloring) so maybe that is the trick, is inviting a non-member over! We had a food fest all day. It was awesome!!

Amy said...

It is so exciting to read everyones comments on conference...If only the whole world could all feel like we feel right now...did I just say a long version for "World Peace" (cheesy) anyway, thanks for being a good friend to Kristen, I am glad that she has great friends like you, that make her so happy. Thanks also for all the support from the blog drama earlier.....

Lisa Cannon said...

You met my sister in law yesterday at Amy Snow's meeting and she told me that she ran into you. Funny, then I stumbled across your blog today during conference. It was fun to read some of your posts and see the pictures of your cute kids. Blog stalking is great! You run into people you haven't seen in years. I also know Tara from your blog. How do you know her? She is my cousin Sara Toro's aunt. It is such a small world! Keep in touch,

Lisa Cannon (Howcroft)

Tausha said...

Confrence was fun this year. I always love kristen's on Saturday night, thanks K! I was listening this time through my brother's ears. He just went into the MTC and it seemed that everything said applied to him and his experiences to come. Gotta love the little naps too!