Saturday, October 20, 2007

Get out of my head!

My, my, my,my music hits me so hard, makes me say, oh my Lord, thank you, for blessing me with a mind to rhyme and something, something, something, and such, this is a beat, ugh, you can't touch. ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh, You can't touch this. Okay, for those of you who weren't alive in the late eighties, early nineties. You may not know these are the words to the unforgettable "You Can't Touch This" by none other than MC Hammer. (or is it just Hammer?) I'm writing this because its 4:30 am and I'm at work with this wonderful (not) song STUCK IN MY HEAD!!! Why? you may ask, do I have Hammer in my head? Did I just recently hear it? Do I have it on my dance music playlist? NO!!! For no apparent reason Hammer is jamming along in my head. Why is it that we get music stuck in our heads? And, why is it usually a song we don't particularly love? (I have to admit, I did love Hammer in the day. You may even see me break it down to one of his songs in the privacy of my own home) But, do I want Hammer in my head all night while I'm sitting in the semi-dark? NO! Why, when we have a song stuck in our heads, is it only one line? Or why is it a song that we know the tune for the whole song, but only the lyrics to one line? I think it is a strange phenomenon. Some of the worst song offenders for me are "I Will Survive" and an R&B song with the lyrics "I put my hand upon your hip, when I dip, you dip, we dip" (circa 1996) ARGHHH! That song is the worst! S and I will say that one line to each other, and whammo, that line is in our head the rest of the day. What are some of the music offenders that get stuck in your head?


go boo boo said...

I totally heard that song this morning - it must have been 100.7, I turned it and somehow made my way back. The worst is seriously that Kylie Minogue song singing about 'can't get you out of my head', I really couldn't get it out of my head. When the Wiggles were big and H we had a few videos (that "mysteriously dissapeared") Andy and I would be able to ask each other in the middle of the night (feeding O) "which Wiggles song is stuck in your head". 'Fruit Salad' was a common reply.

Kristen said...

okay you are so funny. how in the world do you know the words to that song..esp when you don't even like it? i don't have the problem with getting songs stuck in my head because i never remember the lyrics long enough to get them stuck. maybe that is a good thing- I am not sure. your memory is amazing!

The Ringleader said...

children's songs are the worst offenders, especially the wiggles! thank goodness we are also out of that stage! any sugar ray song is way overplayed in my head, long after i hear it in the elevator, mall or on the radio. YUK!

Brooke said...

I am LUCKY!! My kids never got into the wiggles! But they're songs are so "catchy" that I know a couple of them just from commercials or switching through the channels.

Tausha said...

To the left, To the left, everything you own in the box to the left.
You must not know bout me, you must not know bout me. Have a nother you in a minute, infact he'll be here in a minute, baby.

Brooke said...

I must not know bout you! What song is that? It sounds great, please sing it for me sometime!